I thought the discernment part was the most difficult. I was wrong...
Booking my own flight to leave for Manila is the most difficult part.
The other day, i sat down to look at all the airlines and flight times
for KL - Manila. I decided 1pm was the best, because i could have
breakfast with my family and then leave. And suddenly, i had this sudden
attack of homesickness, of sadness, of ache within my heart. I thought i
had settled all my issues, but i guess not... I started crying in front
of the computer. I had to stop, take a deep breath, close my eyes, and
cry my heart out to Jesus... It really hurt, like a knife going through
my centre.
It was like my wisdom teeth extraction all over again. Let me explain. I
recently had my bilateral lower wisdom teeth extraction under local
anaesthesia. (Yes, yes, i'm an anaesthetist, i know.. I should have just
done it under general. But i've always believed that it's better to
give than to receive!) The surgeon was really nice. She put topical,
waited for it to act, then injected the local and waited for my jaws to
go numb. Somehow though, i could still feel part of the pain. I guess
there were some collateral nerve endings which were stubbornly 'holding
out'! It was the most excruciating pain ever... And that was only the
right side. After that was done, she asked me if i was able to go
through with the left extraction. Through my tears, i sobbed out a
'yes'. I knew it had to be done for my own good (the gums were
overgrowing the teeth and it was starting to decay)...

So back to this somewhat obscure analogy... This parting from my family
is like a tooth extraction... It hurts like hell, but i know it's for my
own good (and perhaps my family too). I have no idea how it will be a
good thing, but i know with a certainty that God only wants the best for
my family and i, so if leaving my family (temporarily) is His Will,
then i will obey. Perhaps this is what St John of the Cross meant by
'the pain of the Night is necessary'... God loves us so much that He's
desparately waiting to come in and fill our souls, but that can only
happen if we give Him space to enter. So maybe, just maybe, the pain of
separation from my family will create space for God's love to enter my
heart and soul. And then from there, His abundant love will overflow
from me to other people (including my family). Perhaps, like the Host
which is taken, blessed, broken, and given for all, i must go through
that process too, before i can truly belong to Jesus alone and be used
for the greater glory of God.
Sr Aida fsp told me a story.. She quoted the priest who presided during
her final profession. I paraphrase: During Mass, we offer up the Host to
God. Without taking it away from us, He transforms it into the Body of
Christ. Similarly, with a religious vocation, God never really takes us
away from our families, He just transforms us and uses us for His
specific purpose.

Honestly, i don't know how i will get through this one. It's a
bittersweet symphony... When i think of the day i'm leaving, a part of
me aches to leave my family even for a little while; but a part of me is
happy that i will be joining my other family.. Well, 'just enough grace
for the day' as Sr Anne Plathara would say to me... I'm sure by the
time i reach that bridge, i will have accumulated enough grace to face
this with maturity. God hasn't let me down thus far, so i don't see why
He should do so this time... My faithful God..
Dear God,
May my heart be broken on behalf of my family.. May they be joyful and happy as i leave to start my life as Yours. I love them so much, i want to take the heartache and pain on myself rather than have them go through that ache.. Guide me Lord and be with me.. I need You more than i know...
Mother Mary,
Intercede for my family and may they be as strong and courageous as you are...
Hi (Sr) Mel! I'm so sorry you feel sad. But your Divine Bridegroom knows what you're going through. Your family will be in good hands. By the way, I thought of sharing this song with you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvl1ts4oQP0
"Stay Strong" by Newsboys. Keep the fire burning! *hugs*
Haha! Wey, Sr Audrey, i'm not sr mel ok! Not yet anyway... Looooooooong way to go... :p Thanks for the song babe! Very profound... =)
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