So much more!

Disclaimer: Any relation to anyone living/dead might or might not be coincidental. If you want to know, check with me...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rant in BM

(Utk sesape yg phm ni, wat X tau je.. Aku cuma nak luahkn perasaan pd seseorg yg aku syg tp kdg2 t'lalu penyibuk. Dier br2 htrkn email yg mnyakitkn hati aku..) Yg aku X suke kan, awat hng brani nk krtikkn aku pdhal hng X knl org penyampah tu LANGSUNG?! SIBUK ko! APESAL NI?! Klu hng knl dier & pnh keje dgn dier & dh tau prangai brk dier, then fine.. Hng ade hak utk mrh aku, ktk aku... I X ksh.. Tp klu X, tlg lah, ttp mlt je ok?! Pi tgk pskt hng yg sprh msk. Jgn cmpr hl aku. Dlm 2 pkataan: Blh BELAH...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Raya Eve Eve - Flight of ideas

Happiness - 6/10 (Supressed a bit, cos of my URTI)
Spiritual - 8/10 (dunno why. Bit high lately)
Physical - 4/10
?Mental 20/10 (Yeah baby! Off the charts! Ding dong! Hello!)

Somehow difficult to find enthusiasm to be excited about Raya this year. Possibly because i'm leaking from my nose and sneezing at the slightest provocation. I had a super-duper dinner last night cos my friends came over to Buka Puasa at my house. Nasi kerabu, nasi dagang, nasi tomato, ayam percik, otak2, kuih tepung pelita, etc. It was REALLY yummy! At least, that's what everyone said... I take their word for it. The only thing i really tasted (mixed with my post-nasal drip) was the nasi dagang. Good stuff...

I realised one thing though... Taste has a lot to do with satiety... Even though i consciously realised that i'd eaten a lot, and my girth was expanding, somehow i didn't feel very full. Felt like i could eat some more... Interesting. They should do a study on fat people with BMI> 27 or something. Maybe their taste buds have reduced sensation, so end up eating more.

Really difficult to wake up this morning! What to do.. It was either pop those Piritons or be sleepless the whole night from a stuffed up nose. I don't like antibiotics, no, wait. I ABHOR antibiotics, so none of that poison for me (I prescribe it, doesn't mean i have to TAKE it! Haha!). The last time i took antibiotics was in 2006, and even then i defaulted... I was doing an EOD as a medical HO with a super-jonah MO(hells bells...). By night i was having a serious bad sore throat. I thot, hey, Augmentin lying around everywhere.. I'll just start a course! Bad idea. I was having gastritis by 3am and diarrhoea by 6am. Not that it mattered, cos i didn't have time to SLEEP anyway.. I'm so glad i'm an MO now. HOship was like a pre-purgatorial state...

On the bright side, I succeeded in doing a nasal intubation! Hurrah mel! I notice whenever i do a GA case in OT, i tend to get REALLY sleepy post-op. I wonder if my machine is leaking Sevo quietly... I checked with my friend and she says she feels that too. Maybe it's not in yer 'ead Mr Tweedeh!

BEC meeting tonight. We are celebrating two birthdays today for two great women.. Aunty Thecla (Clare's momma) and the greatest of all women, The Blessed Virgin Mary (Everyone's Momma!) So to celebrate, we ordered a special chocholate walnut fudge cake from Merry Cake House, our neighbourhood, less-sugar cakehouse! Tonight i shall broach the subject of Lourdes 2011! After much deliberation and thought, i think we'll spend ALL 5 or 6 days in Lourdes.. The daily Eucharistic and Marian Procession, bathes, prayer at the Grotto is eternally cool of course. But it being a Mel tour, it's going to be interspersed with fun activities too! Doesn't make it any less holy right? Right? (I have a feeling Father may beg to differ! :p) A picnic at Lourdes Lake, a visit to the Betharram Caves, mountain biking down from the Pic du Jer station.. All important ways to connect with God's Creation i believe. And lots and lots of Lourdes water! The nice thing about being in Lourdes is that you don't need to buy bottled water... Just get it free from the Grotto! It's like God's Love... No extra charges.. No 5% tax.. Where can get free stuff nowadays?! :p

-End of transmission -

Dear God,

Please shower your eternal blessings on Mary, Your special Lady, and Aunty Thecla, who has done a fair bit to offer up her children for vocations. May we follow the example of Mother Mary and always trust in Your ways and learn to say "Yes" to Your will, although we may not know what the future holds for us. And Mother Mary, please pray for us and watch over us as you watched over baby Jesus.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's all relative..

The difference between me and the other departments is that i don't quite see things the way they do... Let me list it:

1. "40% chance of survival IF he gets over the sepsis + IF he survives the chemo" does NOT sound like "good prognosis" to me.

2. Intubating a patient who has been having a crap quality of life ever since his stroke.
Why? So he can live on as a vegetable on a tracheostomy (cos Heaven knows it's not ethically correct to remove the ETT once it's in. It's like a ball valve, boleh in, tak boleh out) with feeding through a Ryles Tube (Yum! Ensure on weekdays, and Peptamen on weekends!) and frequent suctioining from all the secretions (Sorry, uncle. If i don't suck it, you will get atelectasis and die. I'm SURE you don't want THAT..) That's not even adding the 3Hly turning that the family (usually the Indonesian maid..) has to do just to reduce (ya, not prevent) bedsores. Joyous.. At least you're helping reduce the patient's stay in Purgatory...

3. Just because a patient is YOUNG (Btw, "young patient" does NOT mean anyone below your age) doesn't mean they have automatic admission to ICU. The kid is still going to die from the lung mets and brain mets. ICU is not Heaven. People don't magically get better when you admit them to ICU ok...

4. "FRACTURE NECK OF FEMUR, 98 years old, heart disease, COPD, previous stroke, bed bound is NOT how the sentence should go... It should be " 98 years old, heart disease, COPD, previous stroke, bed bound, fracture neck of femur" Got it, Mr Munat?! Money is not everything, bodoh... And the only reason you still have a job despite being so useless is cos the government can't fire you. You are akin to a vestigial limb/the snot in the nose of a kid with URTI/the scum that you scrape off the toilet BOWL/H1N1. Try not to irritate me please.

I suspect the problem is that these people are living like this life is the be all, end all. After all, there's so much more AFTER life! You just live the best you can and try to help as many people as you can (not make more people suffer from your "good intentions". Road to hell has enough of that). Sometimes, you just have to step back and ask yourself, if that were ME, would i want to be put through all that? When it's time to go, then go gracefully into the arms of God. It's scary no doubt. I don't know how it will be when i die. But i know Jesus will guide me gently... And Mother Mary will be right beside me if i get scared..

Dear God,

Please help me have the patience to deal with those who irritate me, and help me have the compassion to pray for their keinsafan. Help everyone realise that if we truly love and cherish someone when they're alive, then You will give us the strength to know when to let go..
